Chocolate Lover Gift - Give the Gift of Chocolate

Diposting oleh Indonesian food on Rabu, Februari 27, 2008

Almost everyone has a love for chocolate, even if they would rather deny it. The way its texture feels in your mouth as it melts is very satisfying and its richness takes this pleasure to a whole new level. Some people would even prefer chocolate to some other acts that may bring a lot of pleasure. So remember to give the gift of chocolate. It is the perfect chocolate lover gift.

Although chocolate is very delicious, some chocolates are more enjoyable than others. A Snickers bar is full of chocolate but it also is jam packed with peanuts and caramel so you have to eat your way around the candy bar to get your dose of pure chocolate. Thankfully, there are gourmet chocolates available to satisfy any chocolate lovers fix.

There are many different cocoa inspired delectable treats out there to please anyone. There are types of chocolate that some people probably never thought possible. Chocolates now can come in a chocolate-wine combination to serve as a decadent topping to any dessert. Some flavors include a chocolate espresso Merlot or a chocolate raspberry Cabernet. No one would have thought that wine and chocolate would fit well together but these gourmet chocolates, when paired with ice cream, would be sure delight anyone's taste buds.

Truffles of all kinds are also available for those with an extra sweet tooth. Whether you love dark, milk or white chocolate it is all available out there for you. There are also boxes of chocolate to suit anyone's needs and those contain a wide variety of different gourmet chocolates.

Some people really enjoy coffee filled chocolate or cherry filled chocolate. In a box of chocolate, all of these are possible and even things you never thought imaginable will be waiting for you when you open the lid.

If you just want a plain chocolate bar than those are available too, virtually everywhere. Dark, milk or white chocolates are available for chocolate bars so you'll get your chocolate fix. You can break off a piece of the bar and simply let the chocolate melt slowly in your mouth as you let all your worries escape you.

These small scrumptious treasures make a perfect gift for anyone. If you know a chocolate lover, then they will greatly appreciate the sophisticated taste of these gourmet delights. They will know that you spent your time and money buying them the only gift they really need. Stores that sell these delicious treats also have gift certificates available so if you can't pick out the perfect gourmet chocolates you can certainly let them do it with your gift for them.

About the Author

Visit to see how you can give the perfect chocolate lover gift on a discount budget.
More aboutChocolate Lover Gift - Give the Gift of Chocolate

The Real Story Behind Gourmet Coffee

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Whether your a proclaimed coffee lover or a regular of Starbucks, you won't be capable of understanding the art of appreciating genuine gourmet coffee unless you grasp the history and knowledge associated with gourmet coffee. Oh, of course, you don't have to an connoisseur to love and appreciate gourmet coffee, but understanding a little bit more than the supermarket who sells you the instant coffee would help you admire the flavour, aroma and pure bliss that gourmet coffee fans understand gourmet coffee is truly capable of.

Gourmet coffee is the complete opposite to fine wine. With wine, the longer it sits, the better it tastes, as its quality and price increases. But with gourmet coffee, freshness is an absolute must. If feasible, get coffee beans that have been roasted no more than 1 week beforehand. And if you're going to discover how to cherish gourmet coffee, it's essential that you only buy 100% Arabica coffee.

It's nearly impossible to find fresh roasted coffee on the shelves of your local supermarket. There is a really good chance, that the coffee that you're drinking today have been roasted 2 or more months ago. You can try and change this problem by purchasing whole roasted coffee beans in batches from reputable on-line companies and grind them at home only when you need it. This is simpler that you think, as gourmet coffee companies have become more accessible with the onset of the Internet . Combine that with affordable at-home technology, it has become even easier to enjoy real gourmet coffee in the comfort of your own home whenever you feel fit.

In order to get the most out of your purchase, you want to do everything that you can to ensure the freshness of the coffee. After purchasing your gourmet coffee beans, it is almost a sin to leave it sitting out on the counter at room temperature. The first step is to make sure that you store any unused coffee in an airtight container. If you are a regular coffee drinker, you can safely store the container in the refrigerator. But if you enjoy gourmet coffee only on special occasions or when you have guests, it is important to store your unused coffee beans in the freezer. This helps to keep the coffee fresh. It won't be exactly like freshly roasted coffee, but it will still be superior to the stale stuff that you buy off the supermarket shelves.

As with other products like wine, the area where the grapes are grown makes a really big difference. This is no different with gourmet coffee. There are two very important facts to consider. First, the country the gourmet coffee beans are grown can make a difference in taste and quality. But just as important is the company that roasts and sell the gourmet coffee beans. Remember to buy only from companies that have proven themselves. This is not hard to find out. Coffee tastings and reviews are a big part of the industry, and that information is readily available.

The most important thing about gourmet coffee is that you must take the time to really appreciate it. If you plan on slamming a cup of coffee as you run off to work in the morning, then stick the instant stuff. It's almost an insult to all the hard work and art that goes into making really good gourmet coffee.

About the Author

Gourmet Coffee Revealed Chris Hickey "Been surfing the net for 12 years..seen some things that impress me and some things that disappoint me, but I am far from seeing it all."
More aboutThe Real Story Behind Gourmet Coffee

Oolong Tea - The Weight Loss Tea

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Oolong Tea and it's health benefits. Somewhere between Green Tea and Black Oolong Tea makes a great alernative brew.

What Makes a Tea an Oolong Tea?

There are 3 main distinct types of tea which can be generally categorized as follows:

a) Green Tea: is treated or boiled following picking to prevent the leaves from oxidizing and retaining their natural colour.

b) Black Tea: is left to oxidize following picking, that's how it gets their distinctive colour.

c) Oolong Tea: the raw leaves are sun-wilted and then bruised, which exposes their juices to the air, so the leaves oxidise and start to turn brown like a cut fruit. They are allowed to oxidise only partially, giving them a rich, floral flavour. The tea is then dried fully; locking in the rich flavors that oolong tea is known to offer. Oolong's unique drying process creates a tea that has many metabolic stimulating attributes.

Oolongs range from bright green and slightly fermented to dark-leafed and hearty. The greener varieties are less fermented. Oolong tea therefore comes in a wide range of tastes and aromas from teas very close in taste to green tea to those very close to black tea.

Health Benefits

Oolong tea burns over 157% more fat than Green Tea - and therefore becoming the most popular teas designed to accelerate weigh loss.

Drinking two cups of Oolong tea every day not only helps shed stubborn pounds by boosting your metabolism, but also blocks the fattening effects of carbohydrates.

Wulong tea promotes beauty and health - Oolong tea contains a large quantity of polyphenol which:

* promotes strong, healthy teeth;
* improves cognitive functioning and mental well-being;
* preventing eczema, allergies;
* clarifies your skin, giving it a healthy, radiant glow and
* strengthens your immune system.

Oolong tea endorsed by Oprah

Where Can I Get Some?

Visit Teaworld where you will find the some of the finest Oolong teas, Ginger Oolong, China Oolong and Champagne Oolong.

Try before You Buy - You can always request a sample and try before you buy!

By Uma Mays Published: 02/25/2008
More aboutOolong Tea - The Weight Loss Tea

Soto Sukaraja

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Soto sukaraja
Bahan bahan :
2 kg daging sapi
2 ons tauge pendek
A sdm kedele yang sudah digoreng
5 batang daun bawang diiris
3 pak kecil soun
20 buah kerupuk sagu
4 sdm bawang merah goring
6 tangkai daun seledri iris

Bumbu bumbu :
12 butir bawang merah
2 ruas lengkuas
2 sdm kecap manis
20 butir merica
Gula merah secukupnya
2 sdt merica halus
8 siung bawang putih
2 ruas jahe
2 sdm minyak goring
3 iris kunyit
Garam secukupnya

Sambal :
1 sdm minyak goring
3 butir bawang merah
½ sdt asam jawa
Garam secukupnya
7 cabe merah
7 cabai merah
2 siung bawang putih
1 potong kecil kencur

Cara memasak :
• Bawang merah, bawang putih, kunyit dihaluskan, kemudian tumis dengan minyak panas. Kalau sudah harum baunya masukkan kaldu sedikit berikut merica halus.
• Masukkan daging yang sudah direbus dan dipotong kecil kecil, sambil di tambah bumbu yang lain, garam, bumbu penyedap, gula merah, jahe, lengkuas serai serta tambah kaldunya
• Biarkan mendidih dan cicipi, kalau sudah enak dan sempurna baru siapdi hidangkan

Cara menyajikan :
Tauge pendek, soun, daging, daun bawang, bawang goring diatur di mangkuk lalu disiram dengan kuah. Bubuhi kedelai goring dan kerupuk

Sambal :
• Tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih yang sudah ditumbuk dengan minyak panas
• Cabai yang sudah di giling dimasukkan, kemudian bumbu bumbu lain yang sudah dihancurkan, berikut kacang tanah
• Bila sudah kering, tambahkan sedikit air, aduk – aduk hingga rata dan sampai matang
More aboutSoto Sukaraja


Diposting oleh Indonesian food on Selasa, Februari 26, 2008

Rendang is a dish which originated from the Minangkabau people of Indonesia,[1] and is now commonly served across the country.[2] One of the characteristic foods of Minangkabau culture, it is served at ceremonial occasions and to honour guests.[3] Also popular in Malaysia and Singapore, rendang is traditionally prepared by the Malay community during festive occasions. Though rendang is sometimes described as being like a curry, and the name is sometimes applied to curried meat dishes in Malaysia, authentic rendang is nothing like a curry.[1]
Rendang is made from beef (or occasionally chicken, mutton, water buffalo meat, duck or vegetables like jackfruit or cassava) slowly cooked in coconut milk and spices for several hours until almost all the liquid is gone, leaving the meat coated in the spicy condiments. The cooking process changes from boiling to frying as the liquid evaporates. The slow cooking process allows the meat to absorb all the spices and to become tender. The spices may include ginger, galangal, turmeric leaf, lemon grass and chillies. Chicken or duck rendang also contains tamarind, and is usually not cooked for as long as beef rendang.[4]
There are two kinds of rendang: dried and wet. Dried rendang can be kept for 3–4 months, and it is for ceremonial occasions or to honour guests. Wet rendang, also known as kalio, can be found in Minangkabau restaurants and without refrigeration it should be consumed within a month.[3]
Rendang is often served with rice in Indonesia but in Malaysia it is served with ketupat (a compressed rice cake) and lemang (glutinous rice barbecued in bamboo tubes).

More aboutRendang

About sate

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Satay variants and outlets of note

Known as sate in Indonesian (and pronounced similar to the English), Indonesia is the home of satay, and satay is a widely renowned dish in almost all regions of Indonesia. As a result, many variations have been developed throughout the Indonesian Archipelago
Sate Madura
Originating on the island of Madura, near Java, is certainly the most famous variant among Indonesians. Most often made from mutton or chicken, the distinctive characteristic of the recipe is the black sauce made from soy sauce mixed with palm sugar (called gula jawa or "javanese sugar" in Indonesia), garlic, shallots, peanut paste, fermented "terasi" (a kind of shrimp paste), pecans, and salt. Sate Madura uses thinner chunks of meat than other varians of Satay. It is mainly eaten with rice and venison curry.
Sate Padang
A dish from Padang city and the surrounding area in West Sumatra, is made from cow or goat offal boiled in spicy broth, which is then grilled. Its main characteristic is yellow sauce made from rice flour mixed with spicy offal broth, turmeric, ginger, garlic, coriander, galangal root, cumin, curry powder and salt. It is further separated into two sub-variants, the Pariaman and the Padang Panjang, which differ according to taste and the composition of their yellow sauces.
Sate Ponorogo
A variant of satay originating in Ponorogo, a town in East Java. It is made from whole sliced marinated chicken meat, and served with a sauce made of peanuts and chilli sauce. Garnished with shredded shallots, sambal (chili paste) and lime juice. The uniqueness of this varient is each skewer contains a whole chicken meat, not several slices. The meat also previously being marinated in spices and sweet soy sauce for quite some times (process called "bacem") to allow spice to soak into the meat. The grill is made fram terracotta earthenware that have hole in one side to allow blowing the wind onto the burning coal. After use around 3 months, the earthenware grill would break apart, thus must be replaced to ensure the hygiene of the grill. The dish served with rice or lontong (glutinous rice cake).
Sate Tegal
A sate of goat meat. The goat is usually a yearling or even a 5-month-old kid which spawn an acronym common in Tegal—balibul (acronym of “just 5 months”). The skewer has four chunks — two pieces of meat on the top then one piece of fat and then another piece of meat. It is grilled over a long metal griller fired with wood charcoal. The grill is between medium and well done; however it is possible to ask for medium rare. Sometimes the fat piece can be replaced with liver or heart or kidney. The unit sold is a kodi, twenty skewers. Half a kodi is only for children. Adults may consume more than 1½ kodies. Prior to grilling, there is no marinade as some people believe to be necessary. On serving, it is accompanied by touch dipped in sweet soya sauce (medium sweetness, slightly thinned with boiled water), sliced fresh chilli, sliced raw shallots (eschalot), quartered green tomatoes, and steamed rice, and is sometimes garnished with fried shallots.
Sate Ambal
A satay variant from Ambal village, Kebumen, Central Java. This satay uses ayam kampung (native species of chicken) meat. Another unique feature is this satay doesn’t use peanut sauce, but uses ground tempeh, chilli and spices as its satay sauce. The chicken meat is marinated for about two hours to make the meat tastier. This satay is accompanied with ketupat.
Sate Blora
A variant originating from the town of Blora, located in Central Java. This variant is made of chicken (meat and skin) pieces that are smaller compared to the other variants. It is normally eaten with peanut sauce, rice, and a traditional soup made of coconut milk and herbs. Unlike other variants, sate Blora is normally grilled in front of buyers as they are eating. The buyers tell the vendor to stop grilling when they are finished with their meal.
Sate Lilit
A satay variant from Bali, a famous tourist destination. Unlike most varieties of satay, it is made from minced beef, chicken, fish, pork, or even turtle meat, which is then mixed with grated coconut, thick coconut milk, lemon juice, shallots, and pepper. Wound around bamboo, sugar cane or lemon grass sticks, it is then grilled on charcoal.
Sate Makassar
From a region in Southern Sulawesi, is made from beef and cow offal marinated in sour carambola sauce. It has a unique sour and spicy taste. Unlike most satays, it is served without sauce.
Sate Maranggi (Satay Maranggi)
Commonly found in Purwakarta and Bandung, two cities in West Java, is made from beef marinated in a special paste. The two most important elements of the paste are kecombrang (Nicolaia speciosa) flower buds and ketan (sweet rice) flour. Nicola buds bring a unique aroma and a liquorice-like taste. It is served with ketan cake (juadah).
Sate Susu (Milky Satay)
A tasty dish commonly found in Java and Bali, is grilled spicy beef brisket with a distinctive milky taste, served with hot chilli sauce.
Sate Kulit (Skin Satay)
Found in Sumatra, is a crisp satay made from marinated chicken skin.
Sate Kuda (Horse meat Satay)
Locally known as “Sate Jaran”, is satay made from horse meat, a delicacy from Yogyakarta. It is served with sliced fresh shallots (small red onion), pepper, and sweet soy sauce.
Sate Bulus (Turtle Satay)
Another rare delicacy from Yogyakarta. It is satay made from freshwater “Bulus” (softshell turtle). It is served with sliced fresh shallots (small red onion), pepper, and sweet soy sauce. Beside satay, Bulus meat is also served in soup or Tongseng (Javanese style spicy-sweet soup).
Sate Babi (Pork Satay)
A popular delicacy among the Indonesian Chinese community, most of whom do not share the Muslim prohibition on eating pork. It can be found in Chinatowns in Indonesian cities, especially around Glodok, Pecenongan, and Senen in the Jakarta area.
Sate Bandeng (Milkfish Satay)
A unique delicacy from Banten. It is satay made from boneless “Bandeng” (milkfish). The seasoned spicy milkfish meat is separated from the small bones, then placed back into the milkfish skin, clipped by a bamboo stick, and grilled in charcoal fire just like other satay variants.
Sate Torpedo (Testicles Satay)
Satay made from goat testicles (Sweetmeat) marinated in soy sauce and grilled. It is eaten with peanut sauce, pickles, and hot white rice.
Sate Telor Muda (Young egg Satay)
Satay made from immature chicken egg (uritan) obtained from the hen’s reproductive system upon slaughter. The immature eggs are boiled and put into skewers to be grilled as satay.
Sate Pusut
A delicacy from Lombok, the neighboring island east of Bali. It is made from a mixture of minced meat (beef, chicken, or fish), shredded coconut meat, and spices. The mixture then being wrapped around a skewer and grilled over charcoal.
Sate Ampet
Another Lombok delicacy. It is made from beef, cow’s intestines and other cow’s internal organs. The sauce for sate ampet is hot and spicy, which is no surprise since the original island’s name Lombok Merah means Red chili. The sauce has the mixture of santan (coconut milk) and spices in it.
Sate Belut (Eel Satay)
Another Lombok rare delicacy. It is made from belut, a native small eel commonly found in watery rice paddies in Indonesia. A seasoned eel is skewered and wrapped around each skewer, then grilled over charcoal fire. So each skewer contains an individual small eel.
Sate Buntel (Wrapped Satay)
A specialty from Solo or Surakarta region, Central Java. It’s made from beef or goat’s minced fatty meats (especially meats around ribs and belly area). The minced fatty meats then being wrapped by thin fat or muscle membrane and wrapped around a bamboo skewer. The size of this satay is quite large, very similar to middle eastern kebab. After being grilled on charcoal, the meat is separated from the skewer, cut to bite-size chunks, then served in sweet soy sauce and merica (pepper).
Sate Burung Ayam-ayaman (Bird Satay)
The satay made from gizzard, liver, and intestines of “Burung Ayam-ayaman” (a migrating sea bird). After being seasoned with mild spices and stuck on a skewer, this bird’s internal organs aren’t grilled, but are deep fried in cooking oil instead.
Sate Ati (Liver Satay)
The satay made from combinations of chicken liver, gizzard, and intestines. After seasoning, the internal organs are not fried or grilled, but are boiled instead. Usually it’s not treated as a main dish, but often as side dish to accompany Bubur Ayam (chicken rice porridge).
Sate Banjar
A variant of satay popular in South Kalimantan, especially in the town of Banjarmasin

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