Soto Bangkalan

Diposting oleh Indonesian food on Senin, Maret 31, 2008

Bahan :
1 Potong ayam
2 butir telur rebus
3 sdm taoge pendek
2 buah kentang rebus
50 gram soun
Emping goring seperlunya

Bumbu :
3 siung bawang putih
1 ruas jari jahe segar
3 butir kemiri
1 ruas jari lengkuas
1 tangkai serei
1 buah jeruk limau
3 tangkai seledri
Garam secukupnya

Cara memasak :
1. Daging ayam direbus lalu di suir – suir
2. Soun di rendam dalam air mendidih sampai lembut
3. Bumbu ( selain jahe dan lengkuas ) digiling sampai halus
4. jahe dan lengkuas dimemarkan
5. Panaskan 1 liter air lalu masukkan bumbu
6. Tambahkan kaldu ayam dan garam secukupnya
7. Letakkan suiran daging ayam dalam mangkuk, tambahkan tauge, irisan kentang, telur rebus, soun, irisan seledri dan daun bawang. Kemudian siramkan kuah kedalamnya
8. Bubuhi perasan air jeruk limau, dan taburi dengan bawang goring
9. Sajikan selagi hangat
More aboutSoto Bangkalan

Nasi Gurih

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Bahan :
6 Mangkok beras
6 Mangkok santan

Bumbu :
2 Lembar daun salam
1 Lembar daun pandan
2 batang sereh ukuran sedang
Garam secukupnya

Cara memasak :
Cara memasak seperti memasak nasi biasa, namun air yang dugunakan untuk merebus menggunakan santan dan bumbu - bumbu semua dimasukkan
More aboutNasi Gurih

Mendol Tempe

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Bahan :
5 Potong tempe sedang
Minyak goreng secukupnya

Bumbu :
3 siung bawang putih
1 potong kencur
2 buah cabe merah
Cabe rawit menurut selera
Garam dan penyedap secukupnya

Cara :
Semua bumbu di haluskan
Tempe di potong kecil - kecil (untuk memudahkan dalam menghaluskan)
Tempe di haluskan sampai halus sampai bisa di bentuk
Bentuk lonjong lemudian di goreng hingga matang, lalu di angkat
More aboutMendol Tempe

Kare Kepiting

Diposting oleh Indonesian food on Senin, Maret 24, 2008

Bahan :
3 ekor kepiting (pilih yang gemuk)
1 1/2 gelas santan
3 sendok makan minyak goreng atau mentega
Bumbu :
3 buah cabe merah
2 sendok makan irisan bawang merah
2 siung bawang putih
1 potong jahe
1 otong kunyit
1 lembar daun salam
1/2 sendok teh terasi
1 sendok makan air asam
Penyedap secukupya

Cara memasak :
- Cuci kepiting hingga bersih kemudain dibelah, haluskan bumbu kecuali daun salam, sereh dan lada.
- Tumis bumbu bersama santan biarkan mendidih
- masukkan kepiting dan biarkan sampai masak.

Sup Tahu Ikan MAs
Bahan :
1 ekor ikan mas
2 batang daun ketumbar
2 buah tahu
100 gram daging ayam cincang
1 liter kaldu ayam
1 buah jeruk nipis

Bumbu :
1 sendok makan anggur putih
1 sendok teh lada
2 cm jahe (DIMEMARKAN)
gula dan garam secukupnya
2 siung bawang putih (dicincang halus)
1/2 butir bawang bombai (dicincang halus)
1 sendok teh kecap asin

Cara membuat :
- Tahu di potong kotak - kotak. daging ayam di cincang sampai halus. Tambahkan garam dan lada lalu dibentuk bulat - bulat seperti baso
- Ikan emas di bersihkan sampai bersih lalu perciki dengan air dengan jeruk nipis . sisihkan
- Tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay sampai layu tambahkan jahe. Setelah bumbu masak masukkan kedalam kaldu
- Didihkan kaldu masukkan bumbu- bumbu yang sudah di tumis, setelah mendidih masukkan daging ayam masak sampai terapung (ciri ayam sudah masak)
- Masukkan tahu dan ikan mas. masak kembali sampai ikan mas matang. Tambahkan bumbu - bumbu yang lain.
More aboutKare Kepiting

Kepiting goreng

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Kepiting goreng
Bahan :
2 ekor kepiting
3 butir telur ayam
1 buah wortel
1/2 ons kapri muda
4 sendok makan minyak goreng

Bumbu :
1 sendok teh lada halus
3 buah bawang merah
1 siung bawang putih

Cara memasak :
- Rebuslah kepiting lalu ambil dagingnya saja. wortel dicuci dikupas dan di irs
panjang panjang halus. Kapri juga di cuci dibuang seratnya kemudian di rajang halus
- Kocok telur ayam tambah merica dan garam Bawang merah dan kapri di iris halus lalu di tumis hingga layu
kemudian masukkan telur, daging kepiting kemudian di aduk - aduk. Tambahkan minyak agar telur tidak lengket di wajan
Hidangkan dalam piring daging
More aboutKepiting goreng

Lemper Ayam

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Lemper Ayam
Bahan – bahan :
200 gram beras ketan, direndam 1 jam, ditiriskan
1 lembar daun salam
1 batang serai di ambil putihnya di memarkan
¾ sendok teh garam
115 ml santan dari ¼ butir kelapa
Daun pisang untuk membungkus

Bahan isi :
2 buah paha ayam atas bawah
500 ml air
2 lembar daun salam
¾ sendok teh garam
¼ sendok teh merica bubuk
½ sendok teh gula pasir
100 ml santan dari ¼ butir kelapa

Bumbu Halus :
6 butir bawang merah
4 siung bawang putih
3 butir kemiri, di sangrai
1 sendok teh ketumbar

Cara membuat :
1. isi : rebus ayam dan air sampai matang. Angkat ayam, suwir – suwir dagingya dan ukur 250 ml air kaldunya
2. campur ayam, bumbu halus, serai, daun salam, garam, merica bubuk, dan gula pasir. Aduk rata , tuang air kaldu . masak sampai mendidih. Tuang santan masak sampai meresap, dimgimkan.
3. Kukus beras ketan 20 menit. Angkat
4. rebus santan, daun salam, serai dan garam sampai mendidih. Matikan api tambahkan beras ketan. Masak sampai meresap angkat dan kukus 30 menit sampai matang.
5. ambil sedikit ketan, pipihkan beri isi. Bentuk lonjong bungkus dengan daun pisang.

By : ibu joni makasar , di ambil dari saji edisi 118

Pepes jamur telur asin

Bahan :
200 gr jamur merang
2 butir telur asin mentah
10 butir cabai rawit merah
50 ml santan kentan instant
4 lembar daun salam di potong jadi 2
1 batang serai diiris miring
daun pisang untuk membungkus

bumbu halus :
6 butir bawang merah
2 siung bawang putih
4 butir kemiri disangrai
2 cm kunyit
1 cm jahe
1/2 sendol teh garam

cara membuat :
1.Pisahkan telur asin dan kuning telurnya. Kocok lepas putih telur dan potong - potong kuning telurnya
2. Campur bahan dan bumbu halus aduk rata
3. Ambil daun pisang. Beri adonan. Bungkus tum, semat dengan lidi
4. kukus 20 menit sampai matang

by : sajiku
More aboutLemper Ayam


Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Bahan bahan :
500 gr daging sandung lamur/ tetelan, rebbus sampai lunak
750 gr jerohan (usus, babat, hati dan paru) yang sudah direbus
2 sdm beras yang sudah direndam, haluskan (bila menghendaki kuah yang agak kental)
1/2 buah otak sapi, kukus(bila suka)
5 lembar daun jeruk purut
2 batang serai
2 liter air perebus daging
3 sdm minyak goreng untuk menumis
1 sdm garam
Kecap manis sesuai selera
100 gram soun, potong potong dan rendam sampai lunak
75 gram bawang merah goreng
daun preidan seledri secukupnya, iris halus
jeruk nipis

Bumbu (dihaluskan)
5 buah cabai merah, kukus/goreng
1 sdt garam
4 buah kemiri

Cara memasak
Potong - potong daging dan jerohan sesuai selera, bila daging sandung lamur potong tipis melebar. Masukkan kedalam kaldu, didihkan.
panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan sampai harum lalu masukkan kedalam daging bersama beras halus. Rebus dengan api kecil hingga bumbu meresap.
Hidangkan dengan ditaburi bawang goreng, prei, dan seledri.
Sebagai pelengkap dihidangkan dengan daging kemiri, kecap dan jeruk nipis.Untuksambal kemiri : haluskan semua bahan - bahan tersebut.


Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Bahan - bahan :
1 ekor ayam kampung
1 ons soun
2 tangkai daun seledri
4 butir telur ayam
5 lembar kol putih

Bumbu :
1 sdm bawang merah goreng
2 iris kecil kunyit
6 butir bawang merah
1 sdt ketumbar
5 butir merica
3 lembar daun salam
3 sdm minyak goreng untuk menumis
1 sdm bawang putih goreng
3 biji cengkeh
3 butir bawang putih
10 butir kemiri
1 ptotong jahe
1 potong lengkuas

Cara memasak :
Ayam yang sudah dibersihkan, direbus hingga empuk
Pisahkan dan ambil kaldunya
Tulang ayam dibuang dagingnya dipotong kecil - kecil
Tumis bawang merah pada minyak yang sudah panas
Setelah bawang merah layu, masukkan dan tumis juga bawang putih yang sudah dihaluskan
Setelah tumis beraroma harum, masukkan bumbu bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan : kunyit, ketumbar, kemiri dan merica
Berturut turut masukkan kaldu ayam sedikit sedikit dan bumbu : Jahe yang sudah dimemarkan, cengkeh, daun salam, garam secukupnya sesuai selera dan lengkuas
Biarkan mendidih, bila sudah matang siapkan :
Ayam yang sudah dipotong potong
Soun yang sudah disiram dengan air panas dan di tapis( ditiriskan )
Telur rebus yang telah dibelah dua
Bubuhkan sedikit perasan air jeruk
Taburkan bawang merah dan bawang putih, yang sudah digoreng
siramkan kuahnya
Sajikan dengan sambal soto biasa


Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Bahan - bahan :
8 butir telur ayam, direbus
2 ekor ayam yang sudah dibersihkan
2 sdt bumbu penyedap
2 ons taoge
2 sdm minyak untuk menumis
3 tangkai daun seledri
2 potong serai dimemarkan
4 ruas ibujari jahe

Bumbu :
2 ruas jari kunyit
garam secukupnya
1 sdt jinten, dihaluskan
10 butir bawang merah diiris halus
20 butir merica, dihaluskan
15 butir kemiri, di giling halus
2 sdt ketumbar, dihaluskan
7 butir bawang putih diiris tipis tipis

Sambal :
2 sdt bumbu penyedap, 10 buah cabai rawit dan garam secukupnya

Cara memasak :
Rebus ayam yang telah dibersihkan tadi
Haluskan : ketumbar, merica, kunyit, kemiri dan jinten.
Panaskan minyak untuk menumis
Tumis bawang merah hingga layu
Masukkan bawang putih, aduk aduk dan tumis hingga keluar aroma wanginya
Masukkan semua bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan tadi, aduk aduk hingga tumisan matang dan berbau gurih
Tuangkan semua isi kaldu
Masukkan : jahe, serai, garam dan bumbu penyedap.
Ayam yang sudah direbus buang tulangnya
Potong daging ayam kecil - kecil
Bubuhi taoge yang sudah diseduh dengan air panas
Siramkan kuah soto tersebut
Bubuhi telur ayam yang sudah dibelah dua, daun seledri dan sambal

Sambal :
Cabai direbus lalu dihaluskan, tumis dengan sedikit minyak panas, bubuhi penyedap dan garam
More aboutSOTO KUDUS


Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Bahan - bahan :
1 kg daging jerohan sapi
2 sdm kecap manis
2 butir bawang merah di iris
1/2 kg daging sapi
2 mangkok emping goreng
1 mngkok kentang goreng
6 gelas santan dari satu butir kelapa
3 tangkai daun seledri diiris halus
3 batang daun bawang di iris halus
3 buah tomat yang tidak terlalu matang

Bumbu :
10 butir bawang merah
10 butir kemiri
10 butir merica
6 siung bawang putih
4 lembar daun salam
2 sdt ketumbar di haluskan
3 ruas jari lengkuas
2 ruas jari kayu manis
4 sdm minyak goreng
1 sdt jinten
2 batang serai

Cara memasak :
a.tumis semua bumbu yang telah dihaluskan, kecuali lengkuas, daun salam jahe
serai, kayu manis
b.Bila tumisan sudah matang dan berbau harum, bubuhi sedikit kaldu dan air
rebusan daging. Setelah itu masukan daging sapi dan jerohan yang sudah dipotong - potong
Tambahkan kaldu daging.
c. Terakhir masukkan santan sambil diaduk aduk. masak terus hingga mendidih dengan merata dan sempurna

Cara menghidangkan :
Siapkan daging di dalam mangkok. Tambahkan kentang dan tomat yang sudah di iris atau dipotong kecil
Berturut -turut masukkan daun bawang, daun seledri, emping, kecap, bawang goreng dan siram dengan kuah

Sambal :
10 buah cabai rawit, direbus dan digiling(dihaluskan). Bubuhi gula, bumbu penyedap dan garam secukupnya.
Panaskan minyak dan masukkan semua bahan. Bila suka boleh di bubuhi dengan jeruk nipis.

Balinese Lamb - (Kambing Mekuah)

Diposting oleh Indonesian food on Selasa, Maret 18, 2008

Ingredients :

1 1/4 lb boneless lamb leg or shoulder cut in 3/4" cubes
2 tbl oil
1 cup Basic Spice Paste (see recipe)
1 tsp coriander seeds crushed
1 tbl distilled white vinegar
12 whl cardamom pods bruised
1 stalk lemongrass bruised
1 1/2 cup water
2 cup coconut milk

Method :

* Bring 12 cups of water to a boil in a large stockpot. Add lamb cubes, cook for 5 minutes, then pour off the water.
* Heat oil, add the spice paste and coriander and fry for 2 minutes over medium heat. Add lamb, vinegar, cardamom, lemongrass and 1 1/2 cups water. Bring to a boil and simmer until three-quarters cooked.
* Add coconut milk, bring back to a boil and simmer, uncovered, until meat is tender. Should the sauce reduce too much, add a little chicken stock. The sauce should be creamy in consistency.
* Serve with steamed rice, fried shallots, lemon slices and sliced celery.
* Comments: The lamb can be replaced by either beef or chicken.

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More aboutBalinese Lamb - (Kambing Mekuah)

Bali Tahu - Fried Beancurd in Javanese Blazing Red Sauce

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Ingredients :

500 gm Bean curd, in bite sized cubes
1 lrg Garlic clove, chopped
1 tbl , water
1/2 tsp Salt
50 gm Onions, thin sliced
1 1/2 cup Oil

100 gm Red chiles, thickly sliced
100 gm Tomato, thickly sliced
50 gm Onion, thickly sliced
3 tbl Boiling water
1 piece ginger 1cm x 1/4cm
1/2 cup Coconut cream
1 stalk lemon grass 4cm long, flattened
2 tsp Sugar, raw or palm
1 tbl Oil
Salt, to taste

Method :

* Preparation of bean curds: Put the garlic & salt in a mortar, grind until smooth. Add hot water. Stir. Dip bean curd cubes one by one into this mixture. Heat 1 1/2 cups of oil in a wok, deep fry the ingredients over med. high heat. 1st the onion slices, then the bean curd cubes. Cubes should be cooked till yellow and not allowed to puff up. Fry one side then the other. Drain well. Place chilies, tomato, onion, rest of garlic & ginger in a blender. Add boiling water. Blend till smooth. In a skillet heat 1 tbs. of oil, stir in blended sauce and add lemon grass. cook over med. heat for 5 mins. Stir occasionally. Now add in the coconut cream, sugar, and fried bean curd cubes. Cook for 5 mins. Salt to taste, remove from heat and remove lemon grass before serving. Place on serving platter and use the fried onions on top. Serve with veggies cooked in coconut cream and serve with steamed rice.
6/94 " the classical Javanese sauce, Bali, is used to flavor many main ingredients... This sauce is probably as old as Javanese culture itself.*
* In fact the sauce is produced by simple flavorings, such as ripe chilies, and tomato which give the sauce its blazing red colour, then spiced with scented lemon grass and ginger; a small amount of coconut cream & sugar is added to give a delicate flavour to the dish." H. Zucchi, 1989
*(As chilies all originate from New World plants, this is the statement of someone simply proud of her heritage and not a scholar of foods. Javanese culture goes far back beyond the trading days of the 16&1700's)

More aboutBali Tahu - Fried Beancurd in Javanese Blazing Red Sauce

Baked Fish with Spices

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Ingredients :

2 x Whitefish, whole (about 300 g each)
1 x Onion, chopped
1 x Garlic clove, crushed
1 tsp Fresh ginger, chopped
ts Lemon rind, chopped
2 tbl Tamarind sauce
1 tbl Light soy sauce
1 tbl Peanut oil

Method :

* 1. Place fish onto large pieces of foil. Make three deep incissions with sharp knife on each side of fish.
* 2. In a food processor, combine onion, garlic, ginger, lemon rind, tamarind sauce, light soy sauce and peanut oil, blend until the mixture is smooth.
* 3. Spread mixture on both sides and inside the fish.
* 4. Wrap foil around fish, secure firmly. Place fish in a baking dish, bake at 180 degrees C for 30 minutes, or until fish is just cooked.

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More aboutBaked Fish with Spices

Bajak Chili Sauce - (Sambal Bajak)

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Ingredients :

8 x red chilies seeded and sliced
1 tsp dried shrimp paste (terasi) toasted
1/4 tsp grated nutmeg
3 x garlic cloves peeled and sliced
6 x shallots peeled and sliced
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp chopped palm sugar
2 tbl oil
2 x salam leaves
2 x lemongrass stalks bruised
1/2 x inch galangal (laos) peeled and sliced
4 tbl tamarind juice

Method :

* Grind with a mortar and pestle or blend the first 7 ingredients very finely.
* Heat the oil over medium-high heat. Saute the ground ingredients along with salam leaves, lemongrass and galangal. Stir it frequently until the mixture changes color and becomes very fragrant.
* Lastly, pour the tamarind juice and let it simmer for about a minute and then leave to cool.
* Remove salam leaves, lemongrass and galangal before serving.
* Keeps up to 1 week or longer if refrigerated.

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More aboutBajak Chili Sauce - (Sambal Bajak)

Bahmi Goreng (Fried Noodles)

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Ingredients :
11 oz Chinese noodles, (mie)
11 oz Pork, minced
7 oz Sausages
2 oz Shrimp, peeled cooked
2 oz Ham
1 x Onion
2 x Garlic clove
4 oz Bean sprouts
4 oz Snow peas
4 oz Endive
Celery, bunch
Chives, fresh Oil
1 tsp Ginger, ground
3/4 tsp Pepper, white
1 tbl Ketjap manis
1x Lemon, (opt)

Method :

* Cook the noodles according to the directions on the pack. Cut the onions and garlic into fine pieces. Make little balls of the minced pork and fry this together with the sausages in a wok or wide frying pan. Then add the cooked noodles and stir-fry. Now add all the vegetables, soy sauce, shrimp, ham, and spices, add salt and pepper to taste ans stir-fry till it is thoroughly hot. Serve on a plate. Add soy sauce, Sambal Oelek, or Sambal Manis to taste. Sambal Manis (dark hot condiment) is used more with these two than the soy based pork ones.

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More aboutBahmi Goreng (Fried Noodles)

Aubergine Relish (Sambal Terong)

Diposting oleh Indonesian food on Sabtu, Maret 15, 2008

Ingredients :
2 sm Aubergines
1 Irg Spanish onion
4 x Cloves garlic
1 tbl Vegetable oil
2 tsp Chilli powder
1 slc Terasi
1 tsp Brown sugar
2 lrg Tomatoes

Method :

* This is a relish which can be used hot or cold.
* Slice the aubergine and sprinkle it with salt; leave to stand for half an hour, then rinse and dry. Cut up the tomatoes and remove the seeds.
* Crush the terasi and garlic together. Slice the onion thinly, and fry until slightly brown. Add the garlic and terasi, the sugar and the chilli powder.
* Put in the aubergine, and mix well. Add the tomatoes, cover the pan, and continue cooking gently for 5 minutes. Taste, and add salt if necessary.
* Then put the mixture into a pudding basin and steam it for 20 minutes.
* If you want this relish to be really hot-spicy hot-then take 4 green chillis, seed them and chop finely, and put them into the frying-pan at the same time as the onions. Alternatively, use dried red chillis: soak them for at least 15 minutes and put them into the mixture, whole, when everything goes into the basin for steaming.

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More aboutAubergine Relish (Sambal Terong)

Atjar Tumis Djamur (Mushroom Pickles)

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Ingredients :
8o z Mushroom, fresh, sliced
3 oz Shallots, slivered
3 cup Vinegar, white
1 tsp Cumin powder

Method :

* Cook Time:
0:30 Heat vinegar and cumin in a non-aluminum pan until boiling. Simmer five minutes. Place mushrooms and shallots in a small pan (not aluminum) and cover with a saucer and weight to hold it down. Pour vinegar mixture over mushrooms to cover. Return pan to stove and bring to a simmer. Simmer 10 to 15 minutes or until mushrooms are just tender. Remove from heat and let mushrooms cool in the vinegar. Drain and refrigerate until ready to serve.

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More aboutAtjar Tumis Djamur (Mushroom Pickles)

Atjar Tjampoer

Diposting oleh Indonesian food on Kamis, Maret 13, 2008

Ingredients :
100gmcarrots salt
100gmgreen beans
100gmwhite cabbage
2xtoes of garlic
100gmbean sprouts/shoots
1tsppowdered ginger
1tspsambal ulek

Method :
• Cut carrot into the size of matches. Cut beans in 1" pieces. Chafe the cabbage. In a pan with a little water and salt, boil the vegetables for 5 minutes.
• Drain. Cut cucumber in
*small* cubes. Peel scallions and garlic. Put in kitchen machine; cut to paste. Mix with sambal, kunjit and ginger. Heat oil in a frying pan. Fry the herb-mixture for 2 minutes. Add vinegar and sugar; stir to dissolve sugar. Add all vegetables (also the ones not cooked yet); add a
• *little* water if there is too little liquid. Boil softly for 2 minutes. Put in a bowl and let cool. You can also preserve it by putting the hot veggies in sterilized screw-lid jars (metal lids with a 'dome' in the middle are quite handy, I always save jam-jars when they're empty); add liquid as well. Screw the lids on. Place jars upside down until cooled completely (the 'dome' in the lid will be down, this is to check if the jar closed well). Can be kept for at least a year (store in dark place to avoid having the color goes away).
• Nice as a present! Kunjit or kurkuma is a herb. If I look on the jar, it says 'powdered yellow-root'. It is used to color this dish, and other dishes as well.
• In that way it is much like saffron, although kunjit tastes a little bitter.
• Sambal ulek [INDONESIA]: Used as an accompaniment and in cooking. Made by crushing fresh red chilis with a little salt. Remove the seeds from the chilis, chop finely, then crush with salt using a pestle and mortar. Three chilis will make about 1 tablespoon sambal ulek. Also available ready-prepared in small jars from Oriental stores and some delicatessens.
• This is a refreshing side dish made of crisp, sweet-and-sour vegetables. Goes really well with Nasi Goreng. The dish can be kept in the fridge for a few days.

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More aboutAtjar Tjampoer

Asinan (Sweet and Sour Cucumber Salad)

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Ingredients :
3xCucumber, large
1xOnion, med
1xThai chile dressing
1/4cupVinegar, white
1/2tspGarlic powder
Method :
• Cook Time:
4:00 Peel and thinly slice the cucumbers. Slice the onion thinly. Seed and thinly slice the chile. Put the cucumber slices in a shallow bowl, arrange the onion slices on top and sprinkle with the chile slices. Combine all the ingredients with the dressing, mixing well. Taste and adjust seasoning with salt. Pour the dressing over the onions and cucumbers and refrigerate a few hours or overnight if possible to allow flavors to blend.

More aboutAsinan (Sweet and Sour Cucumber Salad)

Amandari Smoked Salmon Angel Pasta

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Ingredients :

8xRipe plum tomatoes, cut into 8 pieces each
2xShallots, finely chopped
2tblDrained tiny capers
2tblFinely chopped fresh tarragon leaves or other fresh herb such as basil or dill Finely grated zest of 1 orange
4ozThinly sliced smoked salmon, coarsely shredded or torn into small pieces 1/4cupPlus 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1/8tspFreshly ground black pepper
8ozDried angel hair, (very thin) pasta
2xHard-cooked eggs, coarsely chopped, for garnish

Method :
• 1. In a bowl, combine the tomatoes, shallots, and capers. Add the tarragon, orange zest, and salmon, then the 1/4 cup olive oil. Gently fold the ingredients together. Season with the pepper. Cover and let rest at room temperature for about 1 hour.
• 2. Shortly before serving, bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add the remaining tablespoon of oil and the pasta and cook until just tender. Drain

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More aboutAmandari Smoked Salmon Angel Pasta

Ajam Panggang (Indonesian Barbecued Chicken)

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Ingredients :

3lbBroiler chicken
1cupKecap (or ketjap) manis*
2xGarlic cloves peeled and mashed
2tblFresh lime juice
1/2cupMelted, unsalted butter
1/2tspGrated fresh ginger
1tspSambal oelek**
1pktKroepoek oedang*** Cornstarch to thicken marinade for sauce

Method :
• *Sweet soy sauce.
• **Hot pepper sauce.
• ***Shrimp puffs.
• Note: Ingredients from Indonesia are available at many Dutch, Chinese, Vietnamese and Indonesian specialty stores. is good with Nasi Goreng (fried rice).
• Cut chicken into 8 pieces. Combine remaining ingredients, except shrimp puffs, in large bowl. Add chicken pieces; toss to coat. Marinate 2 hours at room temperature, stirring occasionally. Remove chicken pieces from

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Ajam Goreng Djawa (Fried Chicken with Spices)

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Ingredients :

1xChicken, frying, cut up 2xChilies, split
1xOnion, small, sliced
2tblCoriander seed, ground
1tblCaraway seed, ground
1tblTurmeric Salt
2tblTamarind juice
2tblBrown sugar
1cupCoconut milk Oil
Method :
• Put chicken in a pan with all the ingredients except the oil. Bring to boil then reduce heat and simmer for 20 min. or until liquid has been absorbed.
• Heat oil and deep fry chicken until golden brown.

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Ajam Ati Goreng (Fried Chicken Livers)

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Ingredients :
1/2lbChicken livers
3xRed Spanish peppers Garlic
2xOnions Oil to fry in

Method :
• Chop the peppers, garlic and onions and fry them in the oil. When it is nice brown, add the chickenlivers, pour some salt on them, and fry them with it all. slice the tomatoes and fry them with them.
• Eat this with white rice, cooked in the Indonesian way (without salt or butter).
• It is great with sajoer lodeh, I will send this recipe separated.

More aboutAjam Ati Goreng (Fried Chicken Livers)

Acquazzurra Indonesian Chicken Madras

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Ingredients :
4xBoneless, skinless chicken Breast halves Vegetable oil
1tblCurry powder
1xRipe mango, peeled, pitted And pureed
1/4cupCoconut milk Salt and pepper
1/3cupWhipping cream

Method :
• Brown chicken in 2 tablespoons hot oil and transfer to a 400F oven for 10 minutes. Stir curry powder into same skillet and cook 1 minute. Stir in mango puree followed by coconut milk. Season with salt and pepper. Simmer 2 to 3 minutes then stir in cream. Simmer 3 to 5 minutes. Serve mango sauce with chicken.
• Ontario.

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Acorn Squash, Indonesian

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Ingredients :

3xAcorn squash Salt and pepper
1/4cupMelted butter
1/3cupFlake coconut

Method :
• Cut squash in half; remove seeds. Wash and drain excess water but do not dry. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place in slow-cooking pot. Cover and cook on low for 3 to 5 hours or until tender. Remove from pot; set, cut side up, on broiler pan or heat-proof platter. Brush inside of squash with butter. Mix chutney and coconut; spoon into cavity of squash. Bake in 400 F oven for about 15 minutes or until bubbly. - -NOTES Make chutney in slow-cooking pot according to "Peach Chutney" recipe

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Indonesian Pork Satay

Diposting oleh Indonesian food on Senin, Maret 10, 2008

From Derrick Riches,
Your Guide to Barbecues & Grilling

These Asian inspired pork kebabs are marinated in a lime and brown sugar marinade, then grilled hot and fast. These not only make a great entrée but an excellent appetizer. You can get them ready ahead of time and grill them up in about 10 minutes.

* 3 pounds boneless pork loin, cut into 1 inch cubes
* 1 cup onions, thinly sliced
* 1/4 cup soy sauce
* 1/4 cup lime juice
* 1 tablespoon brown sugar
* 1 tablespoon ground coriander
* 1 tablespoon cumin seeds
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1/2 teaspoon pepper
* 1/2 teaspoon ginger

Place pork cubes in a shallow baking dish. Combine other ingredients and mix well. Pour over pork, cover and let marinade for at least 4 hours. Drain and reserve marinade. Arrange pork cubes onto skewers, leaving about 1/4 inch space in between each cube.Brush marinade over meat and place on a hot grill. Cook for about 5 minutes over a medium fire then turn. Baste with more marinade and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Continue cooking and turning until done.
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Hot Bananas in Coconut Milk

Diposting oleh Indonesian food


* 2 large bananas
* 1 cup coconut milk
* 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
* 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Peel the bananas and cut into bite-sized pieces.
In a medium saucepan, bring the coconut milk to a boil. Add the sugar and cinnamon, stirring to dissolve.
Add the bananas. Bring back to a boil, then turn down the heat and simmer for 3 - 5 minutes, until the bananas are tender but not mushy. Serve hot, sprinkling extra cinnamon on top if desired.
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Indonesian Salad Recipe - Gado Gado Salad

Diposting oleh Indonesian food


* Salad:
* 3 hard boiled eggs, peeled and sliced
* 3/4 cup cabbage, shredded
* 3/4 cup green beans, sliced
* 3/4 cup carrots, sliced
* 3/4 cup cauliflower, chopped
* 1/2 cup mung bean sprouts
* 1/3 cup snow peas
* 1/2 cucumber, sliced
* 2 red potatoes, cut into wedges
* Peanut Dressing:
* 3/4 to 1 cup coconut milk (depending on whether you want a thicker or thinner sauce)
* 1/2 cup chunky peanut butter
* 1 teaspoon red curry paste or chile paste (or Tabasco sauce)
* 1 tablespoon brown sugar
* 1 tablespoon lime juice
* 2 teaspoons fish sauce (or substitute 1 tablespoon soy sauce)

Wash all the vegetables. Ideally, with the exception of the eggs and cucumber, all of the salad ingredients should be blanched or boiled in a large pot of boiling water. However, if you are pressed for time you can serve them raw with the exception of the potato, which has to be boiled. To blanch: plunge the vegetable briefly in the boiling water, then plunge into cold water. This leaves the vegetables nicely crisp and neither too firm or limp. Drain all the vegetables.

Arrange the vegetables on a serving platter, starting on the outside of the platter and work inwards, arranging the vegetables in a colorful pattern. Top with the chopped eggs.

To make the dressing: In a small saucepan, bring the coconut milk to a boil. Stir in the remaining ingredients and simmer for 5 minutes, until the peanut butter has melted and the mixture is thickened.

More aboutIndonesian Salad Recipe - Gado Gado Salad

Indonesian Rendang Curry

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

From Darlene Schmidt,
Your Guide to Thai Food.

Indonesian cuisine has always been influential in Thai cooking. One of the more popular Indonesians dishes in Thailand and throughout Asia is Rendang Chicken or Beef Curry. Rendang is considered a "dry" curry, which means the sauce is simmered down to a minimum. Because it is so distilled, the sauce sticks to the meat, making this dish one of the most flavorful I have ever tried. And its wide variety of spices make it extremely healthy. If you like curry, you'll love Rendang - guarenteed!

* 1 whole chicken, cut into small to medium-size pieces (OR the equivalent of beef)
* 1/2 can good-quality coconut milk
* 2 Tbsp. healthy oil, like organic canola
* 1 onion, peeled and quartered
* 4 cloves garlic
* 1 thumb-size piece galangal (or ginger)
* 1-3 red chillies, depending on how hot you like your curry (de-seeded if less heat is desired) OR substitute chili sauce
* 3/4 Tbsp. tamarind paste
* 1 Tbsp. brown sugar
* 2 tsp. dark soy sauce
* 4 Tbsp. fish sauce
* 1/2 tsp. turmeric
* 1 heaping Tbsp. ground coriander seeds
* 1 Tbsp. ground cumin
* 1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
* 1/4 tsp. nutmeg
* 1/4 tsp. cloves
* 1 tsp. shrimp paste (available by the jar at Asian food stores) OR substitute 1 Tbsp. more fish sauce
* 2 whole star anise (use the Asian one, available at Asian food stores)
* GARNISH (optional):
* fresh coriander leaves
* dry shredded coconut


1. Place all sauce ingredients - except whole star anise - in a food processor. Process well to form a thick curry paste or sauce. If you don't have a food processor, simply chop onion and herbs finely and combine with the coconut milk, spices, and other ingredients.# These herbs and spices can also be ground together with a pestle & mortar.
# Do a taste test for salt and spice, adding more fish sauce if not salty enough. If not spicy enough, add more fresh chili, or chili sauce. If too sour, add a little more brown sugar.
# Place sauce in a wok or large, deep-sided frying pan over medium-high heat. Add chicken (or beef) pieces, plus the whole star anise, and stir well.
# Continue stirring occasionally as you bring the curry to a boil. Then reduce heat to a simmer. Do not cover the wok/frying pan, as you want the sauce to reduce and become thicker.
# Allow the curry to simmer (stirring occasionally) for up to one hour, or until meat is cooked and tender. The sauce will reduce, so that it is almost like a coating on the meat (plus there will be a little sauce leftover in the wok/pan).
# Serve directly from the wok/pan, or place the curry on a serving plate (with any extra sauce poured over). Garnish with a sprinkling of shredded coconut and fresh coriander (fresh chives work too, as in the picture). Serve hot with Thai jasmine-scented rice, or Easy Thai Coconut Rice.

More aboutIndonesian Rendang Curry

Coffee: What Are The Health Benefits?

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Coffee: What Are The Health Benefits?
by: Aaron Matthews Morgan

If you are a coffee drinker, you no doubt have asked yourself how much coffee is it safe for you to consume on a daily basis. This is not surprising since so much has been blamed on coffee. Heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, you name it. At one time or another, coffee has been made to blame. Coffee has joined the ranks of red wine and chocolate as a guilty pleasure that may actually be good for you. As much as it is a great way to get that fix in the morning, recent studies have shown that coffee has been found to be rich in antioxidants and contains hundreds of pain-relieving and anti-bacterial compounds. Although one should not drink coffee with wild abandon, it's comforting to know that maybe that cup or two in the morning may be good for you. Here is a statistic to ponder: did you know that there are over 160 million coffee drinkers in the Unites States alone? In terms of consumption, the average American consumes 8.8 lbs. of coffee per year. But consider this: the world leader in terms of consumption is Finland which comes in at nearly 30 lbs per year. That's a lot of coffee!

Another statistic is that there have been well over 19,000 studies done to analyze the effects of coffee. Now, studies can often be skewed to show whatever the author wants, but here is what is generally agreed: consuming 2 to 3 cups of coffee per day is often considered more beneficial than harmful. Recent studies have shown that moderate coffee drinking can reduce the risk of colon cancer (due to it's ability to keep you regular), gallstones, cirrhosis of the liver and more, due to the fact the it is loaded with healthy antioxidants. So loaded, that studies have implied that coffee contains higher levels of antioxidants compared to other commonly consumed beverages, such as tea and fruit juice. Coffee has joined the ranks of red wine and chocolate as a guilty pleasure that may actually be good for you. As much as it is a great way to get that “fix” in the morning, recent studies have shown that coffee has been found to be rich in antioxidants and contains hundreds of pain-relieving and anti-bacterial compounds. Although one should not drink coffee with wild abandon, it's comforting to know that maybe that cup or two in the morning may be good for you. Several studies are also being conducted on Parkinson's and diabetic Patients. Research has shown that just one cup of coffee per day can halve your risk of Parkinson's, the brain disease that causes tremors and affects movement. Caffeine may protect the brain cells typically lost to Parkinson's disease. However, it has been noted that women on hormone therapy do not seem to benefit. It is felt that Estrogen may dilute the effectiveness of caffeine. It has also been found that if a woman drinks three cups of coffee a day, she can reduce her risk of Type 2 Diabetes by twenty to thirty percent. Coffee may help promote the delivery of insulin to the tissues. Experts believe that coffee's antioxidants, such as chlorogenic acid and caffeine acid, deserve the credit. There are also on going studies that are producing favorable reports on coffee helping to fight Alzheimer's due to the caffeine stimulating the cognitive area of the brain. This is just the tip of the ice berg.

People with asthma who drink coffee can have up to 25 percent fewer symptoms because one of the compounds in coffee - theophylline - acts as a bronchodilator. A recent Brazilian study showed that consumption of coffee promotes better sperm mobility - and now studies are in progress to determine whether caffeine can help infertile men. Coffee contains polyphenols, substances that may reduce the risk of cancer and coronary artery disease. Caffeinated coffee, as opposed to decaffeinated coffee, makes you a better thinker. Studies have shown that coffee keeps you focused, particularly when you are doing not-so-pleasant work. A researcher with the U.S. Army stated caffeine improved scores on a range of cognitive tasks, such as decision making, learning, and attention in the sleep-deprived. Coffee can also boost your mood, probably by making you feel more energetic. A little known fact is that coffee contains antioxidants which have been shown to imporve oveall health. Here is a short list of some benefits which have been shown to be present in coffee:

Reduce symptoms of Parkinson's Disease

Antibacterial ingredients

Reduce the risk of developing gallstones

Preserve mental accuity

Reduce risk of developing type 2 Diabetes (if you have diabetes, reduce your consumption

If you are free of hypertension, coffee will not likely produce it

Headache relief

Reduce the risk of some types of cancer

Improve physical endurance

About The Author
Aaron Matthews-Morgan is the owner of Heavenly Kona Coffee, an e-business that specializes in 100% Gourmet Kona Coffee from Hawaii. is also a premier website for free information and resources, providing quality info and articles on everything related to coffee. Go to:
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Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Rendang is a dish which originated from the Minangkabau ethnic group of Indonesia,[1] and is now commonly served across the country.[2] One of the characteristic foods of Minangkabau culture, it is served at ceremonial occasions and to honour guests.[3] Also popular in Malaysia and Singapore, rendang is traditionally prepared by the Malay community during festive occasions. Though rendang is sometimes described as being like a curry, and the name is sometimes applied to curried meat dishes in Malaysia, authentic rendang is nothing like a curry.[1]

Rendang is made from beef (or occasionally chicken, mutton, water buffalo meat, duck or vegetables like jackfruit or cassava) slowly cooked in coconut milk and spices for several hours until almost all the liquid is gone, leaving the meat coated in the spicy condiments. The cooking process changes from boiling to frying as the liquid evaporates. The slow cooking process allows the meat to absorb all the spices and to become tender. The spices may include ginger, galangal, turmeric leaf, lemon grass and chillies. Chicken or duck rendang also contains tamarind, and is usually not cooked for as long as beef rendang.[4]

There are two kinds of rendang: dried and wet. Dried rendang can be kept for 3–4 months, and it is for ceremonial occasions or to honour guests. Wet rendang, also known as kalio, can be found in Minangkabau restaurants and without refrigeration it should be consumed within a month.[3]

Rendang is often served with rice in Indonesia but in Malaysia it is also served with ketupat (a compressed rice cake) and lemang (glutinous rice barbecued in bamboo tubes).

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Indonesian rice table

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

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An Indonesian rice table (in Dutch, rijsttafel) consists of rice accompanied by between twelve and thirty, often spicy, side dishes served in small portions. Popular side dishes include egg rolls, sambals, satay, fish, fruit, vegetables, pickles, and nuts. It is a Dutch colonial adaptation of the Indonesian dinner, and popular only in the Netherlands. However, a growing number of restaurants and hotels in the tourist areas in Indonesia serve rice table.

The number of side dishes depends mainly on the number of guests; in a restaurant, as many as two dozen side dishes may be served. In many restaurants, the side dishes are brought to the guests' table, covering the table with the many small plates

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Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Rice is a staple for all classes in contemporary Indonesia,[1] and it holds a central part in Indonesian culture: it shapes the landscape; is sold at markets; and is served in most meals as a savoury and sweet food. Rice is most often eaten as plain rice (nasi putih) with just a few protein and vegetable dishes as side dishes. It is also served, however, as ketupat (rice steamed in woven packets of coconut fronds), lontong (rice steamed in banana leaves), intip (rice crackers), desserts, noodles, brem (rice wine), and nasi goreng (fried rice).[2]

It was only incorporated, however, into diets as either the technology to grow it or the ability to buy it from elsewhere was gained. Evidence of wild rice on the island of Sulawesi dates from 3000 BCE. Evidence for the earliest cultivation, however, comes from eighth century stone inscriptions from the central island of Java, which show kings levied taxes in rice. Divisions of labour between men, women, and animals that are still in place in Indonesian rice cultivation, can be seen carved into the ninth-century Prambanan temples in Central Java: a buffalo attached to a plough; women planting seedlings and pounding grain; and a man carries sheaves of rice on each end of a pole across his shoulders. In the sixteenth century, Europeans visiting the Indonesian islands saw rice as a new prestige food served to the aristocracy during ceremonies and feasts.[1]

Rice production requires exposure to the sun. Rice production in Indonesian history is linked to the development of iron tools and the domestication of water buffalo for cultivation of fields and manure for fertilizer. Once covered in dense forest, much of the Indonesian landscape has been gradually cleared for permanent fields and settlements as rice cultivation developed over the last fifteen hundred years.[1]

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Cooking Tips To Make Life Easier In The Kitchen - Part One by Chris Teo

Diposting oleh Indonesian food on Minggu, Maret 09, 2008

Here are some quick and easy cooking tips that may save your day.

1) If you are a beginner, start with a simple recipe. Do not be overzealous and choose some recipes that require way too much preparation. Choose a healthy cooking recipe that you can prepare easily. When you are better, you can opt for something more challenging.

2) It is recommended that you prepare all the ingredients that you need for your gourmet recipe before you start heating the pan or pot. Otherwise, you may get all excited if you forget something along the process thus spoiling or overcooking your food. It's great to have everything freshly cut and prepared during your cooking but if you are an amateur, it is still better you get all your ingredients ready first before you start heating up your pan or pot.

3) It is wise to measure your ingredients rather than just estimate. Follow your given recipe as closely as possible. Of course, cooking is not set in stone. For example, if you don't like your cake too sweet, you can reduce the amount of sugar stated in the recipe by a quarter. Likewise, you can substitute butter for margarine to suit your tastebuds.

4) Cooking temperatures is very important. So be sure to follow the recommended heat settings especially when you are baking.

5) Cook only one dish at a time so you can manage it better. If you have two or three dishes cooking at the same time, you may find yourself running around checking the oven, microwave or pot. By the time you finish, you will be so tired and stressed, you won't be able to enjoy your meal. So just take it easy and cook one dish at a time.

6) It is a good idea to set your table before you start cooking so that once the food is ready, you and your family or friends can just sit down and enjoy the meal while it is still hot.

Do you know that you can cook like a professional chef even if you don't have much experience in cooking? Would you like to cook and serve popular restaurant dishes to your family or friends at minimal cost? To find out the secret click here

About the Author

Chris loves cooking and enjoys tremendously cooking for friends and family. She is very adventurous in her tastes and loves to try out new recipes be they western or eastern.

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Better Food for Better Health by Curtis Reddehase

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Scientists have touted the Mediterranean diet for heart health for some time, but now there is more and more evidence that this diet can keep you healthy in other ways also. This diet was a paradox for many American doctors because the people of the Mediterranean areas ate high quantities of fat, but had much lower rates of cardiovascular disease than Americans who consumed similar amounts of fats. One explanation was that olive oil was the main fat consumed in the Mediterranean countries instead of the high amount of animal fat eaten here in the United States. The basics of the diet are to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, nuts, fish, whole grains, healthy fats, and red wine in moderation. To cut the risk of diabetes, it is better to choose complex carbohydrates to prevent the insulin surges that refined carbohydrates cause. Oats and whole wheat are good choices for breakfast. Leafy greens are not only cancer fighters, but they lower cardiovascular risk. The more you eat the lower your risk. The folate found in darker greens can help your brain age gracefully. Don't neglect eating beans. These wonderful legumes lower artery-clogging LDL-the bad cholesterol, and also do not cause blood sugar spikes. Omega-3 fats found in seafood also protect against heart disease. Recent studies have found that colorectal-cancer rates are much lower in people who ate the most seafood. Another benefit of eating fish seems to be lower rates of depression and Alzheimer's disease. Some guidelines for eating healthier are to force fruits by eating at least one serving at breakfast, another as a snack between meals, and then eat more fruit for dessert at dinner. Mix your veggies by having a salad or soup that blends several vegetables and beans. Cut way back on red meat by eating more fish and chicken. When red meat is eaten, try mixing it with grains and vegetables in stews or similar dishes. When possible, use olive oil in place of other oils and fats, including butter and margarine. Use extra-virgin olive oil which is higher in phenols that have antioxidant characteristics. It's the only type that's entirely unrefined. Sipping a glass of red wine has long been linked to lower heart disease risk. Purple grape juice is just as effective. So if you don't drink alcohol, having a glass of grape juice will also keep your blood vessels elastic. Mediterranean herbs help to battle insulin resistance. Try adding sage or oregano to food to double insulin activity. Turmeric and cloves triple it. By far, cinnamon is the best spice for lowering blood sugar and LDL. Sprinkle it on sweet potatoes or squash. Try eating different kinds of fruits such as figs and dates. They have much higher antioxidant content than that of other fruits. And lastly, keep almonds and pistachios around for snacking. Although nuts are high in fat, eating a handful a day protects against adding extra pounds. Walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, and almonds although high in calories are low in saturated fats.

About the Author

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