Resep Botok Jamur

Diposting oleh Indonesian food on Jumat, April 06, 2012

Bahan-bahan membuat botok jamurBahan Botok Jamur :• Jamur tiram 100 gram, seduh air hangat, tiriskan• Udang ukuran kecil 50 gram, buang kepala dan kulitnya• Cabai rawit 8 buah, iris tipis serong• Daun kemangi 3 tangkai, ambil daunnya• Tomat muda 1 buah, [...]
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Membuat Pepes Tahu

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Bahan Pepes Tahu :• Tahu, 250 gram, kukus, haluskan• Udang, 100 gram, giling halus• Belimbing sayur, 5 buah, potong kasar• Telur ayam, 1 butir• Daun pisang, secukupnyaBumbu Halus :• Bawang merah, 4 butir• Bawang putih, 2 siung• Kemiri, 2 butir, sangrai• [...]
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Pepes Ikan kakap

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Bahan Pepes Ikan kakap Ikan kakap putih, 1 ekor, kerat dagingnya Air jeruk nipis, 1 sendok makan Garam, secukupnya Gula pasir, 1/2 sendok teh Serai, 2 batang, potong jadi 2 , memarkan Belimbing sayur, 3 buah, iris tipis Kunyit, 10 [...]
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Resep Botok Ares

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Bahan Botok Ares : Ares, 400 gram, potong kasar Kelapa muda, 200 gram, parut memanjang Cabai rawit merah, 15 buah Lengkuas, 3 cm, potong kasar, memarkan Daun salam, 3 lembar, potong 2 bagian tiap lembarnya Daun pisang secukupnya Air secukupnya Bumbu [...]
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Indonesian recipes: Chicken curry (gulai ayam)

Diposting oleh Indonesian food on Jumat, Juni 10, 2011

Material:• 1 whole chicken is• 10 pieces of red chilli• 10 cameras buir onion, sliced• 4 cloves garlic, chopped fine• 1 segment turmeric• 1 segment galangal• 4 tablespoons coriander• 5 tablespoons minyal samin• 1 teaspoon fennel finely• 1 piece of cinnamon• [...]
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Indonesian food recipe: Fried Tofu salad seasoning (Tahu goreng bumbu rujak )

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Seasonings:300 gr know, cut into 2 x 2 cm and then fried3 lime leaves1 stalk lemongrass, crushed500 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut1 tablespoon tamarind water2 tablespoons oil for stir-frySalt and sugar to tasteSpices:• 6 red onions• 5 pieces of red chili• [...]
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indonesian free recipes : opor ayam (chicken opor)

Diposting oleh Indonesian food on Senin, Juni 06, 2011

Material:1 whole chicken is1 liter of coconut milk diluted1 / 2 liters of thick coconut milk1 stalk lemongrass crushed2 bay leavesLBR two lime leavesSeasonings:8 pcs onion4 cloves garlic2 SDK coriander tea1 / 2 teaspoon cumin1 / 2 finger ginger5 pieces [...]
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Recipes Gudeg Yogya

Diposting oleh Indonesian food on Senin, Mei 30, 2011

Material:• ½ coconut• 3 pieces of teak leaves• chicken ½ medium• Eggs• Young JackfruitSeasonings:• 3 red onion seeds• 4 cloves garlic• 1 teaspoon coriander• 6 eggs hazelnut• 2 pieces laos• ¼ teaspoon shrimp paste• 3 bay leaves• 1 tablespoon salt• 2 tablespoons [...]
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indonesian food recipe : Fried Chicken Paste (ayam goreng terasi)

Diposting oleh Indonesian food on Kamis, Mei 26, 2011

Material: * 1 small chicken cut into small * 1 small garlic into small pieces * 1 teaspoon salt SDK * 1 stalk lemongrass, take the whites only. * 1 red chili, seeded * 1 red tomato, thinly sliced * cooking [...]
More aboutindonesian food recipe : Fried Chicken Paste (ayam goreng terasi)

Rendang Eggs (rendang telur)

Diposting oleh Indonesian food on Rabu, Mei 25, 2011

Material: * 8 eggs * 5 pcs red onion * 2 cloves garlic * 1 / 2 segment galangal * 4 pcs red chilli * 1 / 2 segment turmeric * 1 turmeric leaf LBR * gingerHow to cook: * Blend all ingredients except ginger and turmeric [...]
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Mung Bean Pudding.

Diposting oleh Indonesian food

Material: * 250 gr green beans, soaked overnight and steamed until tender * 1000 cc of thick coconut milk * 250 gr sugar * 150 cc egg-white * 2 packs for white * brown food coloring * salt to tasteMethod: [...]
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Recipes - Recipe Black Pepper Spice Chicken Wings

Diposting oleh Indonesian food on Selasa, Mei 24, 2011

Material: * 12 pieces of chicken wing top (mini drumstick) * 1 clove garlic, grated * 1 tablespoon lemon juice * 1 teaspoon salt * cooking oil * Seasonings: * 2 tablespoons vegetable oil * 30 g onion, chopped * 2 tsp [...]
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